"A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustlin through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague." Cicero
The traitors in America are Obama, Bernanke, Ghietner, Nutsy Baloney, Dingy Reid, McLame, Grahamnesty, Carter, Dodd, Frank, Goolsby, Sunstein, and many others. G.K. Chesterton was right...
1. First POTUS to bash the USA (EX: Cairo speech) while in office. Jimmy Carter after.
2. First POTUS to bow to foreign leaders. Was a RING kissed? "Engagement" jewelry given Barack =(Lightning) Obama.
3. First POTUS to sue a state for defending its borders (Holder vs Arizona)
4. First POTUS to top ONE TRILLION in Debt.
5. First POTUS to have our credit rating downgraded.
6. First POTUS to have THUG poet honored.
7. First POTUS to have "Beer Summit" for policeman he called,"STUPID".
8. First POTUS to have to apologize for DISRESPECTING another president's wife. (DISSED Nancy Reagan)
9. First POTUS to call an "entertainer" a JACKASS (."Keywest?)
10. First POTUS to be born overseas, present PHONY birth Certificate, then DO IT AGAIN with an even MORE PHONY one,
11. First POTUS to have golfed and vacationed MORE than several previous presidents COMBINED and in FIRST 2 1/2 years in office.
12. First POTUS to speak of,"MY MUSLIM FAITH", be corredted by George Strffinenvelopes on TV then REPEAT IT AS HE HAD SAID IT!
13. First POTUS to have throw out a baseball "like a girl" and wearing "TIGHT BLUE JEANS."
14, First POTUS to have NATIONALIZE a CAR COMPANY...General Motors AKA "Government Motors"
15.First POTUS to preside over high unemployment since FDR during Great Depression and keep putting business down.
16.First POTUS to require COMMERCIAL LICENSE for farm tractor driving and REGESTERING of TRACTORS...Holy Mamnoni in Zimbobwey Batguy...even lousing up FARMERS!
17.First POTUS to have been called "a DICK" on MSNBC that is a DEMOCRAT!
18. First POTUS to have caused "a TINGLE JUST RAN UP MY LEG" statement by a nationally known reporter on national television. (Chris Mathews on Whatever TV network")
19. First POTUS to have a Muslim room mate in college (Occidental) and go to Pakistan with him.
6. First POTUS to have THUG poet honored.
7. First POTUS to have "Beer Summit" for policeman he called,"STUPID".
8. First POTUS to have to apologize for DISRESPECTING another president's wife. (DISSED Nancy Reagan)
9. First POTUS to call an "entertainer" a JACKASS (."Keywest?)
10. First POTUS to be born overseas, present PHONY birth Certificate, then DO IT AGAIN with an even MORE PHONY one,
11. First POTUS to have golfed and vacationed MORE than several previous presidents COMBINED and in FIRST 2 1/2 years in office.
12. First POTUS to speak of,"MY MUSLIM FAITH", be corredted by George Strffinenvelopes on TV then REPEAT IT AS HE HAD SAID IT!
13. First POTUS to have throw out a baseball "like a girl" and wearing "TIGHT BLUE JEANS."
14, First POTUS to have NATIONALIZE a CAR COMPANY...General Motors AKA "Government Motors"
15.First POTUS to preside over high unemployment since FDR during Great Depression and keep putting business down.
16.First POTUS to require COMMERCIAL LICENSE for farm tractor driving and REGESTERING of TRACTORS...Holy Mamnoni in Zimbobwey Batguy...even lousing up FARMERS!
17.First POTUS to have been called "a DICK" on MSNBC that is a DEMOCRAT!
18. First POTUS to have caused "a TINGLE JUST RAN UP MY LEG" statement by a nationally known reporter on national television. (Chris Mathews on Whatever TV network")
19. First POTUS to have a Muslim room mate in college (Occidental) and go to Pakistan with him.
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